Monday, March 1, 2021

Help You Launch Your Online Course


Ready to impact 100's if not 1,000's of people by packaging up your expertise into an online course?

You have the potential to add a revenue stream worth thousands of dollars to your business.

But how do you get that big vision that's in your head out into the market to sell?

That's where I come in. As your online course go-to expert, I will walk by your side as a consultant to help you create, presell, and/or launch your online course. 

In our 60 minute calls, we'll take your big vision and break it down into actionable steps and then throughout the week, I'm one Voxer message away from getting support for those questions or situations that pop up in the wild! 

You'll get help with:

  • Clarifying your offer
  • Growing your email list 
  • Launching a beta test
  • Support during your launch
  • Timing and content for launch email campaigns
  • Content creation best practices
  • Hiring people to help you with course and asset creation (who do you hire and how much do you pay them?)
  • Auditing your sales page, funnel, or any other asset you create
  • Guiding you step by step to keep you going in the right direction.
  • Keeping the momentum going so you launch when you plan to!


: : : : :

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