Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Craft Lucrative DIY Digital Marketing Plan Strategy Market Strategy



Are you a tenacious business owner or entrepreneur trying multiple strategies to improve your business growth? If yes! I'm here to help you develop a DIY Marketing Strategy that helps you understand the market in-depth and narrates easy to follow steps for execution. 

I'm a certified digital marketing consultant. I help entrepreneurs build a bridge between them and the online world, help them sell their products, services, and advise businesses on how to understand the potentiality of their market, so as  to have a sound market insight; to have an edge among competitors, and to make profitable and sustainable decisions.

My digital marketing plan include:

  1. Competitive analysis
  2. Effective traffic channels in the industry
  3. Funnel analysis and critique
  4. Ideal client
  5. Target Market opportunity
  6. Consumer Behavior analysis
  7. Marketing strategies report or website critique
  8. Tailored action plan
  9. SEO strategy and tactics or ASO for APP
  10. Ranking strategy
  11. Social media strategy
  12. KPI
  13. Marketing calendar

Stop wasting money on outdated marketing strategy and replace it with smart marketing strategies that work in our current business view


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