Sunday, December 20, 2020

Create A Storytelling Analysis Document


I will analyse the coherence of a project you want to communicate to an audience.

A novel, a game, a website, a tech product, your new workshop — everything that need to be communicate can be analyse.

Inside the 2-pages analysis you will found:

  • a narrative SWOT analysis;
  • a brief overview of your ideal audiences;
  • focus on your concept coherence;
  • some suggestion for future strategies.

Inside the visual storytelling analysis you will found:

  • narrative SWOT analysis;
  • an overview of your ideal audiences and major archetypes;
  • focus on your concept coherence;
  • your project archetype;
  • a diagnosis of your project status;
  • strategies for improve your concept and communication.

Inside the storytelling basic pack you will found all the above, plus a 25-pages (maximum size) document with deeper insights, key messages, and audience narratives. Plus, we will have a 1-hour online meeting to talk about your project and be sure your need will be encountered by the storytelling pack.



High quality and fast email content! See that a lot of thought has been invested ... I will definitely get back to you in the future. Thank you


A fantastic seller. A master of his trade. I am thrilled and will book him again.


fast delivery and very good communication,professional on analysis


Professionalità e capacità di problem solving


Ottima capacità di analisi

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