Monday, January 18, 2021

Build Your Online Course Launch Strategy


Would you like to launch your next (or first) Online-Course the RIGHT WAY, but you`re unsure how to promote your Online-Course to create MAXIMUM BUZZ in the Marketplace?

Hi, I`m Yannik. I`m a Course-Creator, Leadership- and Business-Coach as well as a Digital Marketing-Consultant. I absolutely LOVE to help creative Entrepreneurs launch their Online-Courses, so they can make passive Income, reach more People and scale their Businesses.

Over the last Year, I`ve created and launched over 7 Online-Courses (and counting) for my own Brand and Business. I absolutely LOVE creating and launching Online-Courses, and I`ve learned so much about how to do it the RIGHT WAY.

I will help you...

  • craft your personalized Launch-Strategy for your Online-Course!
  • craft a powerful Digital-Marketing-Strategy to build your Audience!
  • launch your Course the RIGHT WAY!
  • craft an exceptional Customer-Experience!
  • move beyond any Obstacles and Challenges you face in launching your Course!
  • decide on your Pricing-Strategy!

If you want to launch your Online-Course the RIGHT WAY without feeling confused how to do it, then place your Order now!


: : : : :

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