Monday, January 11, 2021

Be Your Digital Marketing Partner


"I have good products and services, but why no customers?"

"Damn, digital marketing is like pouring money into the ocean!" 

"Wth is digital marketing!?"

Does this sounds familiar to you? Well, I am here to make you and your business easier.

I can teach you the fundamental knowledge and concepts of digital marketing, brainstorm for promotional marketing ideas.

I will explore your marketing channels with you, offline and online platforms and see which media is brings to most benefit to your business. 

I will design an unique marketing strategic plan, backed with research and insights. Let me takecare of the marketing, and you can just take care of other aspects. 

I will be your digital marketing partner, what I can do for you:

  • an 1-on-1 business and marketing consultation, 15 mins or 45 mins
  • Creative marketing campaign idea
  • Digital marketing plan
  • SEO consultation 
  • Marketing audit
  • Define marketing objectives and KPI
  • Communication Strategy (incl. Social Media Strategy)

Try Quickie - jump into a 15 mins call, after collecting your information, I will brainstorm what marketing strategies you can approach, or I can teach you Digital Marketing for a price of slice of cake!


: : : : :

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